Recent Talks
List of all the talks in the archive, sorted by date.

Thursday October 8, 2015
Vicente Andrés, Dr. Borja Ibáñez Cabeza, Joaquín Pastor, Prof. Joan Josep Guinovart Cirera
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III

Thursday October 8, 2015
Prof. Joop Schaye
Univ. of Leiden
The realism of hydrodynamical simulations of the formation and evolution of galaxies has improved considerably in recent years. I will try to give some insight into the reasons behind this success, focusing in particular on the importance of subgrid models and the associated limitations. I will also present recent results from the cosmological EAGLE simulations as well as from higher-resolution simulations of individual galaxies.

Thursday October 8, 2015
Mrs. Patricia Fernandez

Thursday October 8, 2015
Dr. Mateo Valero Cortés, Dr. Teresa García-Milá Lloveras, Prof. Josep Samitier Martí
Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Wednesday October 7, 2015
Prof. Joan Josep Guinovart Cirera, Dr. Luis M. Martínez Otero
Institute for Research in Biomedicine

Wednesday October 7, 2015
Dr. Fernando Rey, Juan Lerma, Carmen Castresana, Marina Villegas, Octavi Quintana, Avelino Corma,Francisco Sánchez

Wednesday October 7, 2015
Mr. Pere Estupinyà, Mr. Pere Buigas

Wednesday October 7, 2015
Dr. Manuel de León, Dr. Luca Gerardo-Giorda

Wednesday October 7, 2015
100xciencia Round Table 1 "Cience and solutions for the problems and challengues of the XXI century"
Dr. Manuel de León, Malén Ruiz de Elvira, Julio Barbas, Teresa García Milá, Mateo Valero, Maria Lapetra

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