PSZ1 and PSZ2 Planck catalogs
MySpec: Definition

Here we are going to describe our images. This is a very important step, so pay attention to do it correctly.

Include in the next table all the parameters you want to use in the query or you want to display in the table of results. For each parameter you have to fill in the following information :
This is the name that will be assigned to the parameter in the database. Use only letters, and, optionally, numbers and '_'. Do not use blanks.
The keyword of the FITS header associated to the parameter.
Data type of this column. You can use:
Tick if you want to use the parameter in the query form.
Tick if you want to use the parameter in the table of results.
This is the Unified Content Descriptor used in VO services to give more information about the physical meaning of a parameter. Your can use the UCD builder at CDS to find the adequate UCD for each case.
Write a string for the unit corresponding to this field. Leave it empty if units don't apply.
A short description of the parameter (ascii, no special characters).

NOTE: “UCD”, “Units” and “Description” are not compulsory fields.

Once you move to the next step, do not change the values given in the columns “Name” and “Keyword”. The values of the rest of the columns can be subsequently modified if you need so.

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Name Keyword Type search? show? UCD Units Description
RA deg
DEC deg

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