Hoy seminario "The Milky Way as you never saw it before: The inner Galaxy as seen by the Vista Variable Survey", por Carlos González PDF Imprimir
Jueves 19 de Abril de 2012 08:01

altHoy jueves, a las 10:30 (hora canaria), Carlos González Fernández, investigador de la Universidad de Alicante (UA) y miembro Consolider-GTC de los equipos EAST y ESTRELLAS MASIVAS AZULES UA, ofrecerá el seminario "The Milky Way as you never saw it before: The inner Galaxy as seen by the Vista Variable Survey (La Vía Láctea como nunca antes la habías visto: la zona interior de la galaxia vista por el sondeo de objetos variables con el telescopio VISTA)". Será en el Aula del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) y podrán seguir la charla en directo vía streaming. Posteriormente, a partir de las 11:30, en la Sala de Revistas del IAC, habrá un Café Científico en el que se podrá debatir sobre el tema del seminario tomando un café.

Más información:
"The Milky Way as you never saw it before: The inner Galaxy as seen by the Vista Variable Survey"
Retransmisión Streaming en directo

Abstract: The study of the structure of our Galaxy, particularly its inner disc, has always been hindered by two factors: interstellar extinction dims even the brightest stars at optical wavelengths and the high source density prevents us, as the proverbial trees, to see the big galactic picture. With this talk we give a broad introduction of the historical efforts to alleviate these issues in the neverending quest to dig deeper into the Milky Way, followed by a overview of the first results obtained by the VVV-Vista survey, that maps the southern Galactic sky with unprecedent depth and resolution.