Seminario "Evidence for secular evolution of disc structural parameters in barred galaxies", por Rubén Sánchez-Janssen PDF Imprimir
Martes 15 de Mayo de 2012 08:16

Hoy martes, a las 10:30 (hora canaria), Rubén Sánchez-Janssen, investigador del Observatorio Europeo Austral (European Southern Observatory, ESO) y miembro Consolider-GTC del equipo ESTALLIDOS-IAC, ofrecerá el seminario "Evidence for secular evolution of disc structural parameters in barred galaxies". Será en el Aula del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) y podrán seguir la charla en directo vía streaming.

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"Evidence for secular evolution of disc structural parameters in barred galaxies"
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I will address the effects of bar-driven secular evolution in discs by comparing their properties in a sample of nearly 700 barred and unbarred massive galaxies. Through detailed structural decompositions I will show that, as a population, barred discs tend to have fainter central surface brightness and larger disc scale lengths than those of unbarred galaxies. Bars rarely occur in high-surface brightness discs and tend to reside in moderately blue discs. These results show that bars induce noticeable evolution in the structural properties of galaxy discs, in qualitative agreement with longstanding theoretical expectations.