Seminario "Masgomas-1: Discovery of a young, obscured and massive stellar cluster", por Sebastián Ramírez Alegría Imprimir
Martes 29 de Mayo de 2012 08:08

altHoy martes, a las 10:30 (hora canaria), Sebastián Ramírez Alegría, miembro Consolider-GTC del equipo ESTRELLAS MASIVAS AZULES-IAC ofrecerá el seminario "Masgomas-1: Discovery of a young, obscured and massive stellar cluster". Será en el Aula del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) y podrán seguir la charla en directo vía streaming.

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Masgomas-1: Discovery of a young, obscured and massive stellar cluster
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I will present the new massive and obscured cluster Masgomas-1. This cluster, discovered by our group formed by astronomers from the IAC and CEFCA, is the first candidate derived from the preliminary version of our systematic search algorithm for obscured (and young) massive clusters, and part of the MASGOMAS project (MAssive Stars in Galactic Obscured MAssive clusterS). In this talk I will present the spectrophotometric observations obtained with LIRIS at William Herschel Telescope (ORM), which allowed the physical characterization of the massive stellar population of Masgomas-1, and the confirmation of the cluster's massive nature (i.e. Mcl > 104 Msun).