April 13, 2016. 4th SOLARNET School Started Today in London.

The 4th SOLARNET School on Solar MHD and Magnetic Reconnection Theory started today at the University College London organized by our colleagues from the Mullard Space Science Laboratory.

25 PhD students and early career researchers from 9 countries (UK, Australia, Russia, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria, Georgia) are attending the School, 12 of them are women. 18 attendees out of 25 are funded by SOLARNET.

The School Programme includes topics as MHD waves and instabilities, kinetic processes in MHD, 3-D reconnection, particle acceleration and transport.  

The school will be followed by a workshop on Solar Eruptive Events: Observations and Modelling (20 - 22 April 2016).

More details at 4th SOLARNET School and Workshop

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