March 25, 2014. 1st SOLARNET School and Workshop Started in Wroclaw, Poland.

The 1st SOLARNET School "Introduction to Solar Physics" has been opened today in Wroclaw, Poland.

Under the auspices of the SOLARNET project, and organised by our partners from the University of Wroclaw, the School and Workshop are dedicated to PhD students and novel post-doctoral researchers. The aim of the School and Workshop is to expand the students knowledge on different Solar Physics topics.

The lectures and hands-on sessions will be carried out by experienced scientists, and will allow the 20 participating students to enrich their knowledge in Solar Physics.

There will be also some complementary lectures on practical aspects of the research work.

During the school the participants will have the opportunity to do a brief presentation on his/her scientific work.  

More information at 1st SOLARNET School and Workshop.