July 31, 2014. 2nd SOLARNET Meeting (Palermo, Italy, 2-5 February 2015).

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"Solar and stellar magnetic activity"

The SOLARNET Project is pleased to announce the second SOLARNET Meeting that will be held in Palermo, Italy in early February 2015. The goal of this meeting is to foster collaborations between ground and space solar projects, in order to:
- provide a forum to discuss the use of current and future observational solar facilities, and how to optimise their scientific returns;
- identify the potentially paradigm-shifting observations that will become possible with the next generation ground - and space-based solar telescopes and their advanced instrumentation;
- foster collaborations between researchers working at the development of ground - and space-based projects and creation of synergies between research programs at different wavelength bands.

More details at 2nd SOLARNET Meeting.