Sep. 8, 2015. Invitation for EST Hearing - ESFRI 2016 Roadmap Update.

Following the submission of the European Solar Telescope (EST) project to the ESFRI Roadmap 2016 and the eligibility check, the EST project has been invited to an ESFRI Hearing in order to respond to the questions raised during the initial evaluation of the research infrastructure project.

Dr. Manuel Collados Vera (IAC/Spain, EST Coordinator), Prof. Oskar von del Lühe (KIS/Germany) and Prof. Mats Carlsson (Oslo University/Norway) will participate in the aforementioned Hearing (Brussels, September 8th, 2015) representing the European solar Physics community involved in the EST. The questions which require clarifications are both at a scientific and management level.

ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, is a strategic instrument to develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach.


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