April 20, 2016. 4th SOLARNET Workshop "Solar Eruptive Events: Observations and Modelling" (London, April 20-23, 2016).

The 4th SOLARNET School on "Solar Eruptive Events: Observations and Modelling" started today at the University College London organized by our colleagues from the Mullard Space Science Laboratory.

The Workshop programme includes invited and contributed talks in three main topics:

  1. Energy storage and release.
  2. Response of the lower atmosphere.
  3. Flare-CME relationship.

More info at 4th SOLARNET Workshop.

April 13, 2016. 4th SOLARNET School Started Today in London.

The 4th SOLARNET School on Solar MHD and Magnetic Reconnection Theory started today at the University College London organized by our colleagues from the Mullard Space Science Laboratory.

25 PhD students and early career researchers from 9 countries (UK, Australia, Russia, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria, Georgia) are attending the School, 12 of them are women. 18 attendees out of 25 are funded by SOLARNET.

The School Programme includes topics as MHD waves and instabilities, kinetic processes in MHD, 3-D reconnection, particle acceleration and transport.  

The school will be followed by a workshop on Solar Eruptive Events: Observations and Modelling (20 - 22 April 2016).

More details at 4th SOLARNET School and Workshop

March 10, 2016. The EST in ESFRI Roadmap 2016.

The European Solar Telescope (EST) has been included in the ESFRI Roadmap 2016

The EST - one of the new six projects included in ESFRI Roadmap 2016 - was presented in the ESFRI Launch Event held in Amsterdam today.

Dr. Manuel Collados Vera (IAC), on behalf of the European solar physics community, presented details of the EST in the aforementioned event.

ESFRI - European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures - is a strategic instrument to develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach. The competitive and open access to high quality Research Infrastructures supports and benchmarks the quality of the activities of European scientists, and attracts the best researchers from around the world.

Congratulations to all European Solar Physics community for this important step towards the realization of the EST.

Click here for more details on ESFRI Road Map 2016


Feb. 3, 2016. SOLARNET Announcement of Opportunity. Mobility Programme of Young Researchers. DEADLINE: March 15th, 2016.

The SOLARNET Mobility of Young Researchers Programme is pleased to inform all solar Physics community that the VII Call for Proposal is officially open.

This Programme aims to contribute to the professional development of researchers at the first steps of their careers, by offering short stays (up to 3 months) preferably at one of the SOLARNET member institutions, public or private entities. Other host institutions from anywhere will be also considered.

All proposals received prior to March 15th will be considered by the Mobility Evaluation Committee for the period July 1st - December 30th 2016.

The Mobility Evaluation Committee (MEC) will evaluate all submitted applications, and will select two of them for supporting travel, accommodation and subsistence costs.

In order to promote the advancement of equal opportunities for women and men in science and in particular to increase gender equality within the SOLARNET Mobility Programme, we strongly encourage young women astronomers to apply.

The selection of the granted proposals will be announced on March 31st.

More details at Mobility of Young Researchers Programme