
Public communication of astronomy provides an important link between the scientific astronomical community and society, giving visibility to scientific success stories and supporting both formal and informal science education.

Astronomy enriches our culture, nourishes a scientific outlook in society, and addresses important questions about humanity's place in the universe. It introduces young people to quantitative reasoning and attracts them to scientific and technical careers. Sharing what we learn about the universe is an investment in our fellow citizens, our institutions, and our future. As a leading research institution which conduct astronomical research - the IAC is convinced of communicating its results and efforts with the public for the benefit of all.

The Public Outreach working group of Severo Ochoa Programme is devoting special efforts to the following key actions:

  1. Increase the presence in social networks with audiovisual products explaining the IAC scientific research, challenges and outcomes;
  2. Production of educational material and outreach activities for young students
  3. Training of secondary school teachers selected from all over the country, to develop a dissemination plan in their regions with the goal to promote scientific and technological vocation in young students
  4. Intensify the production of resources for the General Public (3D images, fulldome (360º), virtual visits) via the Network of Science Museums and Planetaries, cinema, the tourist industry, etc.
  5. Organize the Severo Ochoa International Forum for communication of scientific excellence in Spain.

This set of dissemination and communication activities is being implemented in close coordination with the IAC's Unit of Scientific Culture.

Contact: severoochoa@iac.es
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. C/ Via Láctea s/n 38200, La Laguna. Canary Islands. Spain.
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