Sharing the experience of "Talk to Them: Women in Astronomy"

The Press and Outreach Unit of the IAC has participated in the VII Congress of Social Communication of Science (Burgos) presenting some of its activities and projects. Nayra Rodríguez, astrophysicist and outreach officer of the Severo Ochoa program at the IAC, presented the project "Habla con Ellas: Mujeres en Astronomía", which aims to create new female references in science, engineering and technology and to promote interest in these areas among students. This initiative has reached more than 1,000 students from 8 Spanish Autonomous Communities in this first edition, which has been developed from February to June.

Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. C/ Via Láctea s/n 38200, La Laguna. Canary Islands. Spain.
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