100xCIENCIA: Communicating Frontier Science

100xCIENCIA will gather together journalists and popularizers of recognized prestige with outstanding scientists and those responsable for communication in order to spread knowledge of the science carried out by the main centres of R&D in Spain, to strengthen their ability to communicate and to popularize their scientific activity with greatest impact.

Starting date: 7 Oct, 2015, 9:00h
End date: 9 Oct, 2015, 13:00h
Location: Teatro Circo de Marte, Santa Cruz de La Palma, La Palma.
Organizer: Severo Ochoa Centres 

This international encounter between the media of communication and Severo Ochoa centres of excellence is motivated by the need for these centres to optimize their efforts in communication and popularization in order to give wide popular and attractive diffusion of their strengths, resources, and results in R+D.

100xCIENCIA is designed with the objective of emphasizing the importance of the Severo Ochoa centres of excellence in national and international communication media, with the long term goal of improving the social awareness of the scientific research carried out, and providing clarity, accessibility, and efficient methods of communication and popularization.

Contact: severoochoa@iac.es
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. C/ Via Láctea s/n 38200, La Laguna. Canary Islands. Spain.
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