EWASS 2015 Conference

The European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS), the biggest annual astronomical conference at European level, will be celebrated in Tenerife this year,  from 22nd to 26th of June. Its 2015 edition, co-ordinated locally by the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canaries (IAC) will be held at the Guajara Campus of the University of La Laguna, and there are already over a thousand professional astronomers from over 50 countries registered for the event.

Start date: 22 June, 2015
End date: 26 June, 2015
Location: Guajara Campus of University of La Laguna (Tenerife)
Organizer: EAS, SEA, IAC and ULL

EWASS 2015 will comprise a number of diverse plenary lectures, and some 40 parallel symposia, in which scientists from all over Europe will share the most recent advances in the varied fields of astronomy and astrophysics. There will also be time to hold debates on European scientific politics in astronomy, and to award a number of prizes, some for astronomers with long research histories, and others to young European Researchers. Rafael Rebolo, Scientific Director of the Severo Ochoa Program in the IAC, is part of the Scientific Organizing Committee, together with other researchers from this institution.

Contact: severoochoa@iac.es
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. C/ Via Láctea s/n 38200, La Laguna. Canary Islands. Spain.
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